
"No brain, no gain. Stay in school." - Michael Jordan

University of Chicago (2023-?)


I'm currently working on a project in quantum error correction research with Profs. Yanjing Li and Fred Chong. I previously worked on a project in sustainable computing research with Prof. Andrew Chien as part of the LSSG group.


I have TA'd for the following classes during my time at UChicago CS:

  • Fall 2023: CMSC 144, Systems Programming II

University of Washington (2014-18)


In my senior year at UW, for my CSE Departmental Honors, I conducted research for the Molecular Information Systems Lab, on the Microfluidic Automation project. I wrote a thesis and gave a presentation at the end of my year with MISL.

  • Puddle: A Dynamic, Error-Correcting, Full-Stack Microfluidics Platform, Willsey, Max et al. April 2019. (ACM Digital Library)


I had the privilege of being a TA for 10 of my 12 quarters at UW CSE: